saliatious who in turn was inspired by @cityferret (but I can't find a link to her list, or gave up too quickly), I've decided to track my 2010 reading on this very blog post. Instead of creating a list of what I will read this year, which is a recipe for bitter self-contempt, I'm going to update this list throughout the year and see how I get along. Keep in mind, I'm a mighty slow reader (a little bit dyslexic, but have learned to get around it, and have trouble finding time), so it might not be as extensive a list this time next year as I'd like. But, to begin with... (Bold ones underway, bold notes in brackets are my 'review' once complete.)
Last book of 2009
Phillip Roth, Operation Shylock (eh, okay)January 2010Virginia Woolf, Street Haunting (one of those little Pocket Penguins, not even I will take long)(
Indeed, didn't take long, but not entirely my style, a bit dated in tone, but it was great to read a Proper Writer again)
Peter Carey, Short Stories, (a reread from 10 years ago)
Forgotten just how entirely brilliant Peter Carey is. I think when I first read these, I stopped after The Crab, which is a rather mind bending story that I find entirely disturbing. By casting it aside back then I managed to miss some of the best, insightful and clever short stories I've had the chance to read. Great.
March 2010Kazuo Ishaguru, Pale Remembered Hills in my possession, but not started yet and must go back to the library. At least I know where to find it.
Don Di Lilo, Libra In progress, and brilliant. A mix of carefully researched history, conjecture and conspiracy theory. Wish I wasn't so tired I can't read more than a page at a time.
(fabulous, great book, interesting history, interesting conjecture. Love Di Lilo)Stephen Fry in America (don't judge, it was a present, its a good read and better than that Bryson fellow)
April 2010Gill Scott Heron Vulture, still waiting in the library to pick up.
(Man, was that April. Since taken out and given up on, let's just say he was 19 when he wrote it and you can tell.)August 2010Hanif Kureshi, The Body(underway, not going well, however. Premise so far, young body more attractive than old body, so get a young body and get laid. Sigh)